Feb 1 Menu

It's a lot more difficult than I thought to get back into the swing of the menu again - I've been spoiled with my in-laws in town for the past two months. On top of that, our move to Belmont has required some commuting adjustments between my wife and I - resulting in her beating me home sometimes - which means she gets to yield the chef's knife. So, we're settling into a nice rhythm and the menu will reflect both her and my tastes.

Monday - Fish Teriyaki Over Rice

Tuesday - Gyudon

Wednesday - Tobiko Bibimbap

  • Dice spinach, mix with rice, add tobiko.
  • Drizzle sauce - put onion, carrots, apple, soy sauce, and olive oil in a blender and puree.
  • Garnish with fried egg.

Thursday - Pasta and Clams

  • There really is no recipe for this. You take Trader Joe's Garlic Clams and put it over some pasta - we like linguine and fettucine.
  • Add some salad with beans.

Friday - Take Out

  • Pizza? Bon Chon? Roddee? The options are almost endless because we don't have gogi tacos!

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